Sunday, October 26, 2008

...woke up this morning with a smile on my face...

ALERT: for the love haters out there this post may contain major cup caking
cup cakes Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday morning- feeling good all because of him- recap
Last night we finally got a night out together (our schedules have been conflicting and we live together so we tend to just always be at the crib together...) to go to the BEATROCK Long Beach store opening. They put on an amazing show, as we were waiting for the next performer to hit the stage, my man, after sipping on one too many margaritas, starts free-stylen in my ear. My man can't rap I'm not being mean I am being honest he has no flow, he can sing (we both sing that's how we met) but he can't rap, but I love when he tries, and most likely I know I'm the only person who will ever hear it. anyway We go back and forth doing this, after 7 years I love that we are still always sweetly surprised, he can still give me butterflies, I still feel lucky when I look in his eyes, it's still exciting, and I still love hereing the things he has to say to me. We go on back and forth -ima flow about that plant, rap about your eyes, Ima flow about the art on the walls...(((We must have felt comfortable in this place, must of felt like all those people were family, like minded people quick to throw a complemet at you, because we didn't have our usual wall put up, we let ourselves act like no one was watching us, like no one would come up to us and say an annoying comment, and we were right no one did, everyone was hella cool)))...we keep going over the beat back and forth like ping pong until we realize goddamn we don't usually ever let ourselves display that much affection in public. To everyone else we probably looked like we were telling each other dirty secrets or something.That may sound kinda weird that I don't like to show the love i have, for my soul mate, but there are a lot of reasons why: First off its just not in my personality, we always have homies with us and it would be kinda awkward for them if we were always all over each other, and the last one should not be a reason but it is, people hate on us, and it's just easier to look like we could be just friends. I gotta go to the studio (design studio not recording studio although I kinda wish it were reversed..) but i will continue this soon...this will spiral into some other topics i been thinking of tackling on this here blog...oh yeah and some flicks coming soon too....and architectural sketches-when I get a second to breathe...

so even tho i was just a another person in the crowd...Thank You to BEATROCK and every single person who was there last night including all the visual artisits, and bay area friendly was hella fun, even though i was hella tired...

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